
2019 Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Kabinett

This white wine has pale lemon green colour. On nose it gives quite intense aromas of floral, honey, peach, melon with wet stone and touch of petroleum and chrysanthemum. Dry with a touch of tingling sweetness, barely light bodied and light alcohol, medium smooth mouthwatering acidity too. The flavour intensity is over medium level with flavours of lemon, honey, lemon peel, mineral and peach. Barely medium length with lime finish. (89) Good typicity, rather light in style but refreshing, a bit short too.

 Tasted on 8 December 2023

清爽淡麗而又保持Riesling 的特性,很好的一款輕身而充滿花果香的酒。口感豐富,亦有足夠的酒味。雖然複雜性略嫌不足,餘韻亦稍有點短,但整體來說是一個很好喝的餐酒。

