
Bollinger PN15 Champagne

Medium lemon green colour and medium noses of lemon, red apple, steel, mineral and bread. Quite acidic but soft in nature, medium alcohol and bodied with firm structure, nice expression of pinot noir. Over medium intensity flavours of bitter lemon, apple, mineral, steel and touch of honey. .Fairly long length  with bitter lemon finish. (92) Fresh.


Tasted on 16 January 2021

可以一個字去形容,說是鮮!酒很鮮爽,造工可以說是飲得出咁公整,口感更有著接近標誌性的 BDN 感覺,拎去考酒試用一流(一笑)。酒的整體表現中上,餘韻算長,好喝,是一枝很稱職的香檳,不論用作佐餐或剩飲,頭盤或甜品也可。

