
1997 Montrachet, Morey Blanc

A medium lemon dry white wine with quite high intensity aromas of toasted walnut, honey, stewed pear, vanilla, lemon candy and white flower. It has medium acidity and alcohol, quite full bodied with slightly longer than medium length. On palate it gives slightly over medium flavours of citrus, floral, vanilla and touch of honey and almond. (93) Round mouthfeel.

Tasted on 6 March 2015

不錯的白酒,發展成熟,酒香出眾,強力又複雜。酒味力度及複雜性跌了點,餘韻亦算長。以 MONTRACHET 來說是一枝合格以上的酒,但有貨的話,我建議可以飲了。

